There is no heavier burden than a great potential.
~ Charles Schulz

Tuesday, July 18, 2006


Big flap throughout RadioLand. CBS Radio (formerly Infinity, formerly CBS Radio, formerly Infinity, etc., etc.) sacks about 115 people around the country from its 179 stations, including stations it's already trying to sell, in some "smaller" markets.

The way many radio guys were screaming about CBS's dastardly deed last week--out-launching a big One Percent of its workforce, including mid-top executives and historic jocks--you'd think getting fired from radio stations in budget cutbacks was an ominous new development.

Come on. Why, even KPIG is laying people off. In radio, getting canned has always been a qualification for professional standing. We always screamed about the unfairness and coldness of it all. But, deep inside, we were proud. I always thought I didn't get fired enough to be considered successful.

We're ten years (can it be?) into bigtime, Wall Street-based, mega-corporate radio, which differs from small-town, closely-held radio only in scale. Do you remember when radio was warm-hearted community-spirited philanthropy? I don't.

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