There is no heavier burden than a great potential.
~ Charles Schulz

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

NAB opening; Rehr roars, kinda.

David Rehr is the new president of NAB. In Vegas yesterday, he delivered a true departure speech--instead of the usual industry self-congratulation keynote, Rehr challenged broadcasting to get with the present, in what Inside Radio called a "kick in the pants" for convention attendees. He succeeded in remaining positive, too. Good trick in today's crumbling electronic environment.
"For radio, let’s face it. Local radio is a basic necessity. New media distribution technologies – and new devices used for communication or entertainment – will need radio. Every electronic device you carry, or are in near proximity to, should have the ability to pick up local radio signals. It's a lifeline … it's a friend …. it's the primary media choice of consumers in the present and for the future."
He also said radio has "failed" to sell its benefits. And he could have reminded the radio guys in the crowd that they've also failed to be actually local for decades. Somebody important needs to say this, somebody they'll listen to. While they're busy creating thinner slices of their baloney formats. The weather and traffic aren't enough local content, guys.

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