There is no heavier burden than a great potential.
~ Charles Schulz

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

"...the identity of the local newspaper is now up for grabs..."

That's a quote from economist William Hamilton, in this article in the Cal alumni magazine by Michael Zielenziger. I post it here because I'm thinking about the local radio station (post below) and its need for a rebirth. It isn't a stretch to say that local radio stations and newspapers have much in common in the Internet age. The Net offers destruction and opportunity to both, and in some places (like Washington DC), they're finding each other. Local news is in a bad way, and broadcast radio has helped put it there. I think this is more opportunity than problem for tower radio. But you're going to have to 1) integrate with the Internet, and, maybe 2) join forces with newspapers, to exploit the opportunity.

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